Born to Be Wilde: The Wildes of Lindow Castle

Born to Be Wilde: The Wildes of Lindow Castle

The richest bachelor in England plays matchmaker…for an heiress he wants for himself!

For beautiful, witty Lavinia Gray, there’s only one thing worse than having to ask the appalling Parth Sterling to marry her: being turned down by him.

Now the richest bachelor in England, Parth is not about to marry a woman as reckless and fashion-obsessed as Lavinia; he’s chosen a far more suitable bride.

But when he learns of Lavinia's desperate circumstances, he offers to find her a husband. Even better, he’ll find her a prince.

As usual, there’s no problem Parth can’t fix. But the more time he spends with the beguiling Lavinia, the more he finds himself wondering…

Why does the woman who’s completely wrong feel so right in his arms?

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Top Reviews

FINAL DECISION: Slow burn story of two people who have known each other and yet don't know one another at all. I loved the intense emotional aspects of the story and how these two discover one another.

THE STORY: Lavinia Gray is desperate after discovering that her mother is an addict, spent all their money and stolen from family and friends. She needs to marry immediately before the scandal is discovered so she approaches Parth Sterling to propose marry. But he turns her down. The fashion...

By Krystin Abbott

Lavinia has found that not only is she no longer a wealthy heiress, but her mother has spent what her father left them, Lavinia's dowry and she has stolen jewelry belonging to other people. It has come as quite a shock.

In order to prevent her mother from being arrested for theft, Lavinia must have a plan.

First, she goes to Parth and proposes to him. He happens to be the wealthiest man she knows. They have known one another for several years. They share relationships with the Wilde fam...

By Irish Cremin

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